老板 & 投资者常见问题
我们每天都会回答有关价格、租赁、住户、维护等问题! 协助您, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions, 以及我们的回应, 在这一页.
如果你找不到你想要的答案, please don't hesitate to give us a call or click below to speak with us directly.
很好的问题! The potential rent for your property depends on a few factors, 包括房子的状况, 它的位置, and the rent of similar properties in your area. For a general estimate, we'd be more than happy to assist you with 个性化租赁报告. 只是 点击这里 and fill out the form to request a free rental analysis. 然后, we'll hop on a call with you and guide you through it, helping you understand what your property could likely rent for. -
Renting out your home successfully is all about how much visibility it gets. 在Evernest, 我们将数字营销的优势与创新的游击式营销策略相结合,最大限度地提高您的物业曝光率, 鼓励 application submissions, and ultimately secure reliable residents.
我们的 experience has shown us that it's not about how much time passes, but rather about how many potential residents view your home. That’s why our primary goal is to increase the foot traffic to your property. 目前,我们的营销 efforts attract over 21,000 unique visitors to our website each and every month. It's this robust traffic that leads to property viewings, 然后是应用程序, and eventually culminates in securing a well-qualified resident for your 租赁财产. We're all about transforming visibility of your property into tangible results.
We understand that every property owner's needs are unique. 这就是为什么我们提供各种定价方案,以适应不同的情况. 探索选项,并找到一个最适合您的要求,请访问我们的 定价页. There, you can request a free quote that is unique to your situation. 我们致力于为您的亚洲博彩平台排名需求提供物有所值、价格合理的解决方案. -
我们的柯林斯堡亚洲博彩平台排名服务旨在为各种物业提供服务. We expertly manage single-family houses, inclusive of 公寓 and townhomes. Additionally, we 手le small multi-unit properties that do not 需要现场管理. 不管你的属性类型是什么, 您完全可以相信,我们会根据您的具体需求提供优质的管理服务. -
The moment you sign a management agreement and entrust us with your keys, we’ll swing into action to manage your property. 及时, 我们会安排一位经验丰富的物业经理对您的物业进行实地考察. 我们的 goal is to ensure everything is in perfect order and ready for residents. 您可以相信,您的财产移交将顺利,迅速和专业管理. -
和我们联系很容易. 如果您想要更私人的互动,请随时打电话给我们当地的办事处. 我们柯林斯堡办公室的联系信息可以在我们的“亚洲博彩平台排名”页面上找到. 您也可以填写表格 在这一页 to request a call about our services. 我们期待着您的来信,并解决您的亚洲博彩平台排名需求. -
How much is the security deposit that you charge the resident?
一个月的租金. -
We believe in 透明度 and keeping our property owners well-informed, ensuring you always stay updated on your property's status. We’ll deliver an 老板's Statement every second Friday of the month, 提供全面的分解 of collected rent and any maintenance tasks completed on your property. 还有这份详细的报告, 我们包括在此期间进行的与维修工作有关的所有发票的副本. 此外,在每个月底,你 会收到月结单吗. -
We have developed a thoughtful and personalized approach that has proven effective, as evidenced by our impressive 95%+ collection rate on residents that we place. 在Evernest, we've adopted a philosophy of gentle, consistent pressure for 每月收取租金, rather than resorting to abrupt and harsh measures when rent becomes overdue. 我们的 residents receive courteous notifications about upcoming rent dues, 培养一个更积极的房东 的关系. 在我们每周的收款会议上, 我们单独处理每个住院医生的病例, 确定最合适的下一步. 体验亚洲博彩平台排名的极致不同——尊重与效率齐头并进 手. -
If you would like to see the lease, we can provide you with a copy. The resident signs a lease with Evernest as your Agent. -
Can you put the money directly into my account?
Yes, we make ACH payments directly into owner accounts. 我们在每个月的第二个星期五和每个月的最后一天向业主分发. -
在珠峰,我们重视人际关系. 如果你通过代理推荐加入我们, we honor that connection by directing you back to the same agent. Moreover, we understand that your property needs may evolve over time. 这就是为什么我们有 dedicated team of agents specializing in successful real estate sales, ready to assist should you decide to sell your 柯林斯堡 property. 我们致力于为您提供全面、无缝的服务,以满足您独特的目标和需求 需求. -
Yes, we are licensed by the State of Colorado to manage 租赁财产. 我们也只允许有执照和保险的维修人员和供应商在我们的出租房屋工作. -
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us, whether it's a call or an email to support@evernest.co. 我们非常乐意为您提供一份我们目前的管理协议, 直接发送到您的收件箱. -
目前,我们傲然经营左右 科林斯堡及其周边地区. 我们的业务范围从繁华的城市景观延伸到充满活力的单户住宅和多户住宅单元社区. 将您的房产委托给我们,加入我们在当地服务的满意房主的广泛网络. Let us make property management effortless for you, wherever you are in the area. -
How long have you been a professional property manager?
成立于2008年, 珠穆朗玛峰的旅程始于一个简单的使命——管理我们自己的租赁物业. 当我们在这个行业中航行时, 我们发现对专业独户亚洲博彩平台排名的需求很大. 受到这种需求的启发, 我们扩大了服务范围,以满足那些要求卓越的人的高标准, 透明度, and meticulous accounting from their property management team.
正规博彩网站评级亚洲体育博彩平台由经验丰富的专业人士组成,他们不仅在房地产领域,而且在其他各个领域都有丰富的经验. We're not just a team of property managers; we're a collective of industry veterans, battle-tested and ready to exceed your expectations. 在珠峰,您的财产是我们的首要任务. 立即亚洲博彩平台排名,了解我们的专业知识可以为您的亚洲博彩平台排名需求带来的不同.
我们自豪地拥有一支内部维护团队,致力于保持您的物业处于最佳状态. 我们的 charges are based on an hourly rate, in addition to the cost of materials used. 有关我们在柯林斯堡维修价格的详细信息,请与我们联系 support@evernest.co. 我们在这里为您提供透明和有竞争力的价格,以满足您的物业维护需求. -
租赁物业的维护费用可能会因房屋的年龄和大小等因素而有所不同. 然而, 业内的一般经验法则是,预计每年的维护成本约为您的1% 房产价值. 当然,这个估计可能会根据你的房产的具体情况和需求而波动. -
Can I choose the resident once Evernest has done the screening?
We uphold a firm commitment to privacy and fairness. 因此,我们不会向业主披露居民申请的任何细节. 所有的申请审批都由我们经验丰富的团队内部处理,严格遵守 公平房屋指引. We aim to ensure a fair and equitable process for all involved. -
查看我们的 批准的标准 页面. -
我们更喜欢处理所有的维护,因为它提供了一个更顺畅的居住体验. In some cases, though, we do allow owners to manage maintenance. Ultimately, this decision is made on a local level by our Team Leaders. 你能感觉到 confident in the fact that we can effectively 手le all of your maintenance. 我们的内部维护解决方案, we’ll take care of you and your property every step of the way. We also give a 12-month warranty on all of our work! -
我们很乐意帮助您驾驭柯林斯堡的投资环境. 只需在我们的经纪页面上填写表格,我们就可以指导您选择投资者目前正在寻找成功的有利可图的领域.
此外,我们的专业 Evernest社区 平台拥有投资者信息的宝库,对您来说可能是无价之宝. 这是一个与志同道合的投资者建立联系的好方法,而且是100%免费的,即使你是 还不是我们的客户! 别忘了参观我们的 播客页面 也, 哪些是与本地投资者的访谈,分享他们对本地市场的见解和经验.
Can I rent my property and still keep it listed for sale?
是的,你可以. 一个警告, though: if we get a lease signed and the next day you receive an offer, you’ll need to honor the lease and sell your home resident-occupied! 如果这种前景让你感到不舒服,我们不鼓励你这么做. -
Am I better off renting my property in this current market?
我们很难在不了解你的情况的情况下给你一个明确的答复. 也就是说, we can assure you that even in a downturned real estate market, we are able to successfully rent out numerous properties to help thousands of owners earn income from their rental portfolios. If retaining your property and earning monthly rental income 对你的呼吁,请不要犹豫 在这里填一下表格 并获得一份免费的租赁报告. 这份文件将列出一切 你需要知道如何做出明智的决定. 我们很高兴与您分享更多关于我们广泛的亚洲博彩平台排名服务,以及我们如何共同努力,使您的物业成为您的生产性资产.